Monday, April 23, 2012

High lift blonde color over highlighted hair?

Would it be too damaging to put a high lift blonde color over hair (naturally dark blonde) that has been previously highlighted w/ bleach?

High lift blonde color over highlighted hair?

it really depends on the condition of your hair. are you going to put the high lift color on all of your hair? or are you just going to touch up the roots? high lift color requires 40 volume developer which is very strong. it will deposit color on to your existing highlights. the highlighted pieces i'm sure were done with bleach. this makes them weaker than the hair that hasn't been touched with bleach. be careful with those strands, you'll risk breakage if you leave the color on too long.

High lift blonde color over highlighted hair?


High lift blonde color over highlighted hair?

YYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That box color will ruin your hair girl! Even with a high lift blonde color the peroxide in it will be just as powerfull as using a bleach over bleach, which is awful, it will blow out your ends, and then you will be hating your hair for a long time!!!!! Trust me!! Anyone who tells you otherwise is rediculous, and has no hairdressing experience!!

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