Monday, April 23, 2012

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

Well..My hair is a dark brown and I asked for high lights which I just got last night.. and spent about 140 dollars on it and I hate it.. Im afraid to ask the stylist to do it again because I dont want to get charged again.. so what should I do? I really would like them not to be ORANGE!!

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

Most stylist will be happy to re-do it for you.

They want to build clientille(clients) and stuff.

Seriously call 2marrow and say:

"Hi, im ________. I was in two days ago and got

highlights. _________ did my hair. Im just not satisfied, and

since I paid such a high cost I was hoping to come in

at your earliest convinience and get them fixed. Thanks."

Or go in : )

* Oh yea and you wouldnt have to pay. They will

most likely just put in a toner.

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

hmmm you can either dye your hair or get the highlights taken out

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

You should buy a highlighting kit. You can just highlight over the ones you just got. Or I you don't want to, You could dye it.

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

That's the thing about dying dark brown hair blonde- it turns bright orange, especially when not done by a legit professional or a t a major beauty salon. Even then, dying dark hair light requires hours, and sometimes days, of re-dying to get the color just right.

If you don't like the color or the way it turned out, go to a different stylist. Just dye the highlights out, which is easy to do, and then go back a little later to get the exact blonde you wanted.

It's not unusual to be unsatisfied with a highlight job. Most people think the dye is drastic, though you might just need a while to get used to it. Though, if you really don't like it, consider dying it out and returning with a better description later. Go over all your concerns with the stylist- if you do so, sometimes they dye it back that day for free.

Hope I've helped!

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

Go to her and get corrective color done, or go somewhere else and get it done. Simple as that. I wouldn't try to fix it yourself though.

I just got my hair highlighted and I dont like it...?

Call your stylist ASAP.

I just had a very similar situation. I recently went to get my highlights touched up and my stylist put so many highlights in my hair that became totally blond. It was quite uneven and brassy as well. Like you, I also paid $150.

After realizing that they looked terrible, I called the salon about three days later and told them that I was very unsatisfied. They were very understanding and had me come in that afternoon for corrective color, free of charge. They applied a beige toner and lowlights to my hair and it looks fantastic.

So don't worry it can be fixed! I recommend contacting your salon. They will most likely work with you to satisfy your wishes. Remember, they want to keep clients!

Good Luck!

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