Monday, April 23, 2012

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

I have been thinking about getting my hair hilighted but I don't know what colour/s to do. I have black hair and light brown skin. What colours can you suggest?

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

Red or burgundy will be best!

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

with your coloring you should go with caramel highlights-- they will not be to drastic--but they will give your hair color a nice bright lift and don't forget to use a shine booster on it after--you can get it at any place you buy shampoo

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

Regardless of what colors you choose, I think the more important thought is whether to go bold or subtle. I just added reds and blonde to my hair and I was hoping it would have been a smidge bolder for dramatic effect. Have fun with your new look!

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

dark brown

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?


I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

I would ask the person to dye it a shade or two lighter than your natural color so it will probably a brown. A reddish brown would look good on you.

I want to get my hair highlighted, what colour should I do?

dark blonde!!!!

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